CUIMS is referred to as the student portal for students of CU, Chandigarh University. It stands for the information management system of Chandigarh University. With Cuims, you are able to see the latest information and notifications about university news, study, etc. You are also able to see the fee status and attendance on UIMS. In this article, we are going to tell you about the Chandigarh University login systems, like CUCHD blackboard login aims. Such as CU LMS login. Keep reading this article to learn about the CUIMS ID.
About Chandigarh university
Chandigarh University is an owned institution situated in the lively city of Chandigarh, India. The university offers a range of programs to accommodate students, at academic levels, including postgraduate, undergraduate, and doctoral studies. These programs cover fields such as management, law, engineering, animation, journalism, pharmacy, design, and more.
The university has its own CUIMS, an Information Management System that makes it easier for management to streamline and automate the academic and administrative processes. The CUIMS permits the faculty, students, and staff to access information related to course schedules, admissions, attendance, results, and other information.
What is CUIMS ID

CUIMS ID is considered the login ID that is given by the university management to faculty and students. This login is also utilized for accessing CU LMS, CUCHD blackboard and various other logins associated with Chandigarh University. Each student at Chandigarh University is given an identification number.
The CUIMS ID is the 9-digit number given to students during admission. This ID track and determine the academic records, examination results, attendance, and other information of students within the CUIMS system. Every student gets their unique CUIMS ID with a password. During registration, the university issued this CUIMS ID to students. Your CUIMS ID is your Registration number that begins with the year, followed by your course, and then registration.
On the admission letter or fee receipt, you get the CUIMS ID. It is suggested that students keep their ID secure and confidential because it is used for several administrative and academic purposes. If you forget your CUIMS ID or required assistance related to your ID, you should contact the IT helpdesk of the university.
Key features of CUIMS
The CUIMS is designed well to improve the effectiveness and efficiencies of university operations and improve the student experience. The unique features of CUIMS are given below
- Student Portal: The student portal of CUIMS lets students access their course, assignments, examination, assignments, and results-related information.
- Faculty Portal: The faculty portal permit teachers to keep the management of their post assignments, and courses, mark attendance, and upload examination results.
- Administrative portal:The administrative portal permits the administrators of CU to manage the various functions of the university, including examination, results, admission, and finance
- Mobile application: The university has come up with a mobile application that permits faculty, students, and staff to access information instantly.
How to log in to CUIMS
Here are the steps you should follow to log in to the Chandigarh University information management system, CUIMS
- Visit the
- Tap on the student login option.
- Enter your UID now
- Tap on next
- Enter your password.
- Now, it is time to log in to access the home dashboard of the student.
Once you make login to CUIMS, you are able to access several features and functions on the basis of access level and role. Students are able to see their attendance, course schedules, academic information, and examination results. Faculty are able to manage their online courses, mark attendance, upload assignments, and upload results. University administrators can easily manage their several administrative functions, such as attendance, finance, and admission.
CU LMS login
CU LMS is another student learning portal of Chandigarh University. To log in, you should visit On admission confirmation to a specific program here, you should log in to the CU LMS with the help of the Roll number as the Username and Password.
CUIMS ID is the unique ID of 9 digits that is issued to every student who enrolls in Chandigarh University. This ID helps students to access their information and also helps administrators to check the student’s records instantly when they need.
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