How to Build a Round Robin in Salesforce

Round Robin in Salesforce

The round robin is a business process commonly used in customer relationship management (CRM) systems such as Salesforce to ensure that each customer receives equal attention and care. With a round robin system, each individual assigned to the round robin is responsible for handling a certain number of cases before handing off the next case to another user in the rotation.

In this article, we’ll discuss what a round robin is, how it can benefit your organization, and how to create one using Salesforce.

Building Your Round Robin:

  • To begin building your round robin with Salesforce, you’ll first need to decide who should be included in the rotation. You can either assign all users equally or prioritize specific users based on their skills and expertise. Once you’ve decided who is in the rotation, create a user list by adding them as contacts in Salesforce tools like salesforce development tools.
  • Next, create a manual assignment rule for each contact in the round robin. This will allow you to assign cases automatically using Salesforce’s Round Robin Assignment Rules feature. All you have to do is select the users from your contact list, specify how many cases they should receive at a time, and set any other parameters such as priority or type of case.
  • Once this is done, it’s time to start assigning cases! You can use Salesforce’s Cases page to manually assign cases to individual users or use the Round Robin Assignment Rules feature to automatically assign cases. When assigning cases, make sure to consider the user’s skill level, the type of case, and any special requests that might be needed for the contact.
  • Finally, you can use Salesforce’s Reporting feature to track your progress with the round robin. This will allow you to quickly see how many cases each user has handled, as well as their success rate in resolving those cases.

The Round Robin feature in Salesforce is an effective way to distribute leads and other assignments among a group of users. It ensures that each user gets their fair share while helping you keep track of who has what assignment.

In this guide, we’ll look at how to set up the Round Robin feature and make sure it’s running smoothly.

Step 1: Create a Round Robin Rule

The first step is to create the Round Robin rule. Go to Setup > Automation Rules > Workflow & Approvals > Workflow Rules and click “New Rule”. Give your rule a name and select “Leads” as the Object Type. Select “Assign using active assignment rules” from the list of Actions and click “Next”.

Step 2: Configure Round Robin Rule Settings

On the next page, you will be able to configure the Round Robin settings. Select “Round Robin” as the Assignment Type and enter in a description of what this rule is intended to do.

You can then specify which users should be assigned leads via the Round Robin rule by adding their Salesforce user IDs or groups of users (such as All Users). Make sure that all users who need access to leads are included in this list.

Once you have finished configuring your Round Robin rule settings, click “Save & Activate” at the bottom of the page. Your new rule will now be active and will begin assigning leads to users according to the settings you specified.

Step 3: Monitor Round Robin Activity

Now that your Round Robin rule is active, you can keep track of how it’s functioning by monitoring its activity using Reports. Go to Setup > Reports and click “New Report”. Select “Lead Assignment History” from the list of report types and click “Create”.

This will open up a new report page with several columns showing information about lead assignments made via your Round Robin rule. You can use this report to ensure that every user is getting their fair share of leads, as well as monitor any changes in the number or type of leads being assigned over time.


The round robin is a great way to ensure that all of your customers receive equal attention and care. With Salesforce’s Round Robin Assignment Rules feature and reporting capabilities, it’s easy to create a smooth and efficient system for managing customer service requests. By following these steps, you can easily set up and maintain a successful round robin in Salesforce.

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